Thursday, March 19, 2015


To all those who read,

To think.. 
To think I believed that to be misunderstood was a phase. Possibly a teenage, rebellious phase where adults forgot what it was to be a teenager and decided against trying to remember, so as to never understand the teenagers around them. 

To think..
To think I honestly believed there would come a day where I would become an adult, like the other adults, and with this new recognition; with this new label.. I would also obtain the status of being understood. 

To think..
To think I was so naive, so naive. How could I believe that one day I would make sense to all these people around me? What possessed me to believe such nonsense? 

I'm not complaining, I'm not moaning I swear. I'm quite proud of this newly found entity in my life. Misunderstood. A forever emotion, just the same as love. Except, love has positive connotations attached to it, doesn't it? Misunderstood, on the other hand, it's connected to the negative portion of our lives. I don't see why anymore. I mean I love being in-love, I do. Love can get difficult though, can't it? Plus it makes life hurt more, but it also makes it so much better. So who's to say being misunderstood shouldn't be a positive attribute of life, also? 

I've come to enjoy being misunderstood. There's an elegance to people getting confused by your being, a sense of mystery is always a good thing, right? I quite enjoy it. People not knowing what I'll come out with next. Whether they'll understand the next part of my life, or not. I enjoy it. 

So misunderstand me all you like. 

I'm just growing up like the rest of humanity. 

Love From,
Sali      x

Sunday, March 15, 2015

A Blogpost All About The Author (Questions)

To all those who read,

This is just a post for those of whom may like to know who it is they are listening to when they are reading my blogs. There aren't any personal questions, just the basic facts. Enjoy..

What is your name?: Sali

How old are you?: 24

What was your favourite subject at school?: Art & English

What is your favourite drink?: Vanilla Latte / Plain ol' milk

What is your favourite food?: Chocolate Brownies.

Favourite book of all time?: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince / The Fault in our Stars

Favourite colour?: Blue

Do you have any pets?: No (although, I'd love a kitten.)

Favourite perfume?: Estee Lauder - Modern Muse

Favourite holiday?: Venice.

Are you married?: Yes

Do you speak any other languages?: Yes - Arabic

How many siblings do you have?: 3 (one sister, two brothers)

Favourite restaurant?: Anything Lebanese

Favourite shop?: Miss Selfridge (although, it varies)

Favourite Movie?: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince / The Fault in our Stars...

Favourite TV show?: One Tree Hill - but since that's long been over, currently it's probably Suits. 

Can you cook?: I sure hope so.

Love from,
Sali     x

All Things "Life"

To all those who read,

I have been thinking of starting up a blog again for a while now (possibly a few years), but haven't ever got around to actually starting it. Whether it was due to lack of energy - aka lack of ideas, or life just taking over. 

I've decided to integrate blogging into my life, as it's something I can do that's just for me. I enjoy writing, and sharing experiences and what better way to do that than blogging?

Recently, I've realised how much I love to travel and then speak of my travels, or I love to bake/cook and then share those recipes with those around, or just how much I lovelovelove interior design. 

Due to these 'immense' realisations, I have come out with the best idea I've ever had for a blog, and yet it is so straightforward it just goes to show how slow my mind can function! A single blog about all there is in life. 

I hope to have this blog consist of my travels, my food, other people's food, restaurant reviews (yes i love food), interior design, and just reviews on day to day things that individuals or families use/buy.  

Whether people will read this, this is my new outlet and I intend to take it as seriously as fun can be taken. 

Now that I've said all that.. Let's start blogging!

Love from,
  Sali     x